CJ in the USA Code Masters Somewhere in the deepest, darkest reaches of the African Jungle, CJ the elephant is playing. Suddenly there is an explosion, CJ turns around and sees a plume of smoke rising from his family home. He races back as fast as he can but finds his mother, brothers and sisters gone ... KIDNAPPED and taken to America. Barely holding back his tears, he vows to rescue his family and bring the evil hunter to justice! Controls Press Caps Shift and 1 to Quit. Press Caps Shift and 2 to Pause. Joystick Up Q Jump Down A Drop Bomb Left O Move left Right P Move right Fire Space Fire peanut The Object of the game CJ's family have been kidnapped and taken to the USA. His brothers and sisters have all managed to escape, but they are all trapped in various states. CJ must find each of member of his family, then travel to the next state. His mother is being held in [?] by the Hunter, so CJ must first remove him before she can be free. CJ must reach the end of each level where a large foe will challenge him. He can jump using his UMBRELLA to break his fall. He can fire PEANUTS through his trunk or throw BOMBS. By eating the HAMBURGERS and HOT DOGS he can replenish his energy. INVINCIBILITY PILLS will make him immune for a while. Level 1 New York Harbour to Central Station. Avoid Pit Bull Terriers, Rats, Renegade Cops, Alligators and Alligators [sic]. Stay clear of the STREET GANGS. Level 2 Chicago to Black Hills of Dakota. The wild west including Rats, Rattlesnakes, Cowboys and Red Indians. Watch out for the BIG FOOT! Level 3. San-Francisco to Los Angeles. Keep a West Coast eye out for American footballers. A huge basketball player guards the end of this level. Level 4. Cape Canaveral to Disneyland. CJ's mother is hostage here, watch out for the hunter! Credits: Game Design Big Red Software Coding Fred Williams Music Allister Brimble Graphics Peter Ranson Project Director Paul Ranson Production Stew Regan Artwork Shan Savage