Jet Bike Simulator instructions. Converted to text by Gerard Sweeney ( for World of Spectrum (, 04/02/05. I do NOT give permission for this text reproduction to be used/stored on "commercial" or profit-making medium such as CD-ROMs. Frankly, we in the Speccy community are all sick of leechers making money out of our hard work. --------------------------------------------------------- LOADING THE GAME Side 1 contains the Standard version of the game followed by the Lakes courses. Side 2 contains the Expert version of the game followed by the Lakes courses. Side 3 contains additional courses: Coasts Side 4 contains additional courses: Docks To play the game, load Standard version (side 1) or Expert version (side 2) as follows: (128K users select 48K Basic) LOAD "" ENTER When the message: "REWIND TAPE TO REQUIRED COURSE AND PRESS PLAY" appears, leave the tape running and the Lakes courses will load automatically. When the music starts and OPTIONS are displayed, the game is ready to play. CONTROLS When the program loads up, you will be on keyboard controls. To use 1 or 2 joysticks select "CHANGE CONTROLS" from OPTIONS. KEYBOARD Player 1 Player 2 A LEFT N S RIGHT M D THRUST ENTER Press P to pause game. Press Q to quit game. --------------------------------------------------------- LOADING ADDITIONAL COURSES You don't need to read this until you've played a few games. To load Coasts (Side 3) or Docks (side 4), select "LOAD NEW COURSES" from OPTIONS, then rewind and play the tape. ___________________________________________ "This is an amazing computer simulation! - but nothing can beat the pure thrill of the real thing." David Darling Why not try it where we did our research? Lakeside & Watersports Club Mill Dam Lane Mill Street St. Osyth Essex Tel: 0255 820535 Programming Philip & Andrew Oliver Music David Whitaker (Spectrum) Music Jon Paul Eldridge (Amstrad) Plus Concept Bruce Everiss Illustration Gavin MacLeod Cover Design David Darling/Nigel Fletcher Research David Darling/Julie Coombes