METAMORPHOSIS ============= Kill. Eat. Evolve. You are not the good one. They are not the bad ones. You are just one of them. Switch off the lights and play in solitude. Controls: --------- Keyboard: O: Walk left, P: Walk right, SPC: Spit (Attack), Q: Jump Joysticks: Left/right : Walking left/right, Up: Jump, Fire: Spit (Attack) Gameplay: ----------- You have to collect 3 objects and bring them to the central room with the circles. In this room, there is a location to drop the objects into the circles. When all 3 objects are in the circles, a pink teleport to the next level appears. There are 3 levels to explore. To obtain some objects, you first have to get a Combat room key. If you got the key, a black teleport appears somewhere in the map to enter a combat room. After entering the combat room, you have to kill all enemies before an object appears. Tips: ----- You can do 'Mario jumps' to stumble enemies, You must find the invisible entrance and enter a 'Dark maze' to get a combatroom key, You can leave and re-enter combat rooms if eg. energy level is low, Objects and Combat room keys can also be located in previous levels. Credits: Written and directed (Graphic and Coding) by Leonardo Vettori and Kees Van Oss Beta Testers, Marco Franchi Moretti, Federico Gori, Massimo Belardi, Giovanni Galli Music by Pedro Pimenta , Marco Fanciulli and fatalsnipe