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Aknadach Other informations about this game.

Improve your memory skills.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Softhouse, 2011
Translated by:  Softhouse
Coding by:  Softhouse

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Aknadach_en.zip (21 KB)
Ancient Fighters Other informations about this game.

Three brave fighters decided to stand against the mysterious forces.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Pavero, 2021
Translated by:  TomasCZ, R-Tape, Pavero
Coding by:  Pavero, Romborsoft

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Ancientfighters_en.zip (49 KB)
Boovie 2 Other informations about this game.

A logical game with 40 levels.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Factor 6, 2015
Translated by:  Factor 6
Coding by:  Factor 6

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP
Download:  Boovie2_en.zip (29 KB)
Commando 2 Other informations about this game.

An unofficial sequel of the legendary shoot-em-up game Commando.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Daniel Száraz, 2016
Translated by:  Daniel Száraz
Coding by:  Softhouse

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Commando2_en.zip (33 KB)
Curse of the Night Other informations about this game.

You must kill dangerous murderers and save the princess.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Pavero, 2012
Translated by:  Pavero, TomasCZ
Coding by:  Bandit, Romborsoft

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Instructions:  Curse_en.txt
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Curse_en.zip (37 KB)
Jigsaw Other informations about this game.

Find all fragments of the photography.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Slovak Game Developers Association, 2023
Translated by:  Stanislav Hrda, Marián Kabát, Darren Chastney, Maroš Brojo, Mária Koscelníkova
Coding by:  Slavomír Labský

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  RZX
Download:  Skladacka_en.zip (22 KB)
Il Noma Della Rosa Other informations about this game.  

Computer game based on the novel by Umberto Eco.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Miloslav Bahna, 2025
Translated by:  Miloslav Bahna, Radoslav Javor
Coding by:  Miloslav Bahna

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Ilnomadellarosa_en.zip (107 KB)
Octopussy Other informations about this game.

You must find a rare artifact - Golden egg.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Tiboh, 2018
Translated by:  Tiboh
Coding by:  Tiboh

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Octopussy_en.zip (47 KB)
Pedro 1 - Pedro on the Pirate Island Other informations about this game.

Pedro must escape from the Pirate Island.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Pavero, 2011
Translated by:  Fikee, Pavero
Coding by:  Bandit, Romborsoft, Velesoft

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Pedro1_en.zip (35 KB)
Pedro 2 - Pedro in the Haunted Castle Other informations about this game.

Pedro must kill a vampire and escape from the haunted castle.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Pavero, 2011
Translated by:  Pavero
Coding by:  Bandit, jp, Velesoft

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Pedro2_en.zip (34 KB)
Pedro 3 - Pedro in the Land of Pyramids Other informations about this game.

Pedro must save his girlfriend from the hands of hijackers. He must find an egg of a mystical creature to change it for a key from a cave where the girl is held.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Pavero, 2011
Translated by:  Pavero
Coding by:  Bandit, jp, Romborsoft, Velesoft

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Pedro3_en.zip (68 KB)
Perfect Murder 2 - Bukapao Other informations about this game.

You must kill the president of Bukapao island.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Slovak Game Developers Association, 2021
Translated by:  Stanislav Hrda, Marián Kabát, Darren Chastney, Maroš Brojo, Matúš Nemergut
Coding by:  Slavomír Labský

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Dokonalavrazda2_en.zip (20 KB)
Piggy Other informations about this game.

Find some cure for your ill girlfriend.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Factor 6, 2015
Translated by:  Factor 6
Coding by:  Factor 6

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Piggy_en.zip (22 KB)
Pouch the Beetle Other informations about this game.

Escape from the mad professor's museum.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Slovak Game Developers Association, 2022
Translated by:  Stanislav Hrda, Marián Kabát, Darren Chastney, Maroš Brojo, Lukáš Hlaváč, Milan Velecký
Coding by:  Michal Hlaváč, Slavomír Labský

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Chrobaktruhlik_en.zip (30 KB)
Quadrax Other informations about this game.  

A logical game with 50 levels.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Fatality'98, 2025
Translated by:  Fatality'98
Coding by:  Fatality'98, OLN/Jupiter77'25, Romborsoft

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP
Download:  Quadrax_en.zip (39 KB)
Revenge Other informations about this game.

Your best friend was murdered.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Slovak Game Developers Association, 2023
Translated by:  Stanislav Hrda, Marián Kabát, Darren Chastney, Maroš Brojo, Katarína Bodišová
Coding by:  Slavomír Labský

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Pomsta_en.zip (17 KB)
Sherwood Other informations about this game.

The time has come to rid the land of Norman tyrants.

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YouTube video.
Published by:  Pavero, 2012
Translated by:  TomasCZ, deadpan666
Coding by:  Pavero, Bandit, Romborsoft, Softhouse

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Instructions:  Sherwood_en.txt
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Sherwood_en.zip (39 KB)
The Stig 3 Other informations about this game.

You stand in the role of unemployed programmer Tim Coleman and try with your friends to rob the thief.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Total Computer Gang, 2002
Translated by:  Total Computer Gang
Coding by:  Total Computer Gang

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  RZX
Download:  Stig3_en.zip (11 KB)
The Stig 4

Tim Coleman is back and he tries with his friends to rob the thief again.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Slovak Game Developers Association, 2021
Translated by:  Stanislav Hrda, Marián Kabát, Darren Chastney, Maroš Brojo, Milan Velecký
Coding by:  Slavomír Labský

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  RZX
Download:  Stig4_en.zip (11 KB)
Towdie Other informations about this game.

Towdie must defeat an evil dragon Quido and save the kingdom.

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Softhouse, 2011
Translated by:  Softhouse, Jiira, Pepax, Gasman
Coding by:  Softhouse, UB880D

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Towdie_en.zip (47 KB)
Twilight - The Land of Shadows Other informations about this game.

What was it happened with human beings on the Earth?

Playback video.
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YouTube video.
Published by:  Dmytro Gryshchenko, 2004
Translated by:  Dmytro Gryshchenko
Coding by:  Dmytro Gryshchenko

External webs:  World of Spectrum, Spectrum Computing, Tipshop
Other links:  MAP, RZX
Download:  Twilight_en.zip (234 KB)


Number of entries: 21 | Published: 26. 9. 2011 | Add new comment...

Author: wixetPublished: 26. 03. 2015, 08:26:18
mop & tomas: Ano, je. I ja s tim souhlasim. Tehdy jsem udelal hruby preklad a spolehal se, ze mi to opravi/upravi Bobble, coz byl primo Anglican a byl ochoten spoluprace (nebyt jeho, vubec bych se do toho nepoustel). Vratil mi to s poznamkami, ktere jsem zapracoval a prestoze se mi nektere veci nezdaly, rekl jsem si, ze on to musi vedet lepe a mel tedy za to, ze je to tak ok. Tehdy... :) Co se nazvu tyce, absolutne nevim proc jsem udelal takovy preslap a misto The Sting napsal The Stig. Bud jsem se blbe podival na puvodni nazev filmu Podraz, jehoz hernim pokracovanim puvodni Podraz 3 ma byt, nebo to tehdy meli s preklepem uvedene na CSFD (nebo odkud jsem cerpal...film jsem doma nemel). Tenhle omyl jsem zjistil az po mnoha letech, kdy uz tato verze byla rozsirena a tak mi prislo zcestne to vsechno zpetne opravovat. I kdyz...mozna by si to ta hra zaslouzila...
Author: PaveroPublished: 30. 08. 2012, 14:27:13
Protože na WoSu probíhá hromadný update cca jednou za 3 měsíce.
Author: tomasPublished: 30. 08. 2012, 10:50:26
Preco sa este anglicka verzia hry este neobjavila na stranke worldofspectrum.org? aby sa to aj tam dalo stiahnut. http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseek.cgi
Author: PaveroPublished: 15. 08. 2012, 21:53:42
Kliatba noci přeložena do angličtiny!
Author: PaveroPublished: 23. 01. 2012, 17:29:09
Sám za sebe bych chtěl ještě někdy v budoucnu přeložit minimálně Kliatbu noci a Sherwood od Ultrasoftu + Útok bílé myšky od Proximy.
Author: tomasPublished: 17. 01. 2012, 22:08:21
to uz sa dalsie preklady nerobia?
Author: tomasczPublished: 07. 11. 2011, 01:36:34
no ja jsem sice psal ze az v cervenci, ale pokud toho nebudou kvanta, tak bych behem vanoc moh taky prispet
Author: PaveroPublished: 01. 11. 2011, 20:14:56
OK, pak až bude něco aktuálního, tak dám vědět.
Author: mopPublished: 31. 10. 2011, 11:57:54
Rád pomůžu, pokud to bude ze hry už vytažené do nějakého texťáku.
Author: Pav eroPublished: 30. 10. 2011, 15:28:33
jj, začínám v tom mít zmatek, ale jeden mluví česky, druhý slovensky, tak to ještě jde :)
Author: tomascz (aka tomas)Published: 30. 10. 2011, 14:49:31
za sebe rikam klidne jenom ne driv nez v cervenci pristiho roku... btw zda se ze jsme tu minimalne dva tomasove
Author: PaveroPublished: 30. 10. 2011, 11:02:59
Vyzývám místní kritiky, zda se nechtějí zapojit do některého z následujících překladů, aby se konečně zařadili na druhou stranu barikády a stali se kritizovanými .
Author: tomasPublished: 14. 10. 2011, 23:35:26
Parada, trebarelozit ajdalsie, napr. kliatba noci a tak.
Author: tomasPublished: 04. 10. 2011, 11:54:46
Author: mopPublished: 03. 10. 2011, 00:37:49
Ten překlad Podrazu je šílenej. Dokonce i název je blbě.


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