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01. 06. 2018

Netradiční adventura od firmy Infogrames vévodí květnovým novinkám.

New games:
Inheritance - Panic in Las Vegas - cesta za nečekaným dědictvím
Nixy - The Glade Sprite - zachraňte postvátný kámen
Quahappy - v strašidelném panství posbírejte všechny mince
Rubicon - projděte zkouškou v bludišti

Demon in Danger, Detektiv, Escape from Castle, Expert, Inheritance - Panic in Las Vegas, Space Saving Mission

Escape from Castle, Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Everlasting Life, Mantronix, Nixy - The Glade Sprite, OPZ, Quahappy, Rubicon (Rucksack Games), Space Saving Mission, Tea-Leaf Ted, Thoroughly Modern Willy

Inheritance - Panic in Las Vegas, Nixy - The Glade Sprite, Quahappy, Rubicon (Rucksack Games)

RZX videos:
Aliens 1, Inheritance - Panic in Las Vegas, Nixy - The Glade Sprite, Quahappy, Rubicon

Capitan Sevilla 1, Capitan Sevilla 2, Inheritance - Panic in Las Vegas, Nixy - The Glade Sprite, Popeye 3 - Wrestle Crazy, Quahappy, Rubicon, Sleepwalker, Turbo Girl

Cassette inlays:
Inheritance - Panic in Las Vegas

GIF videos:
Inheritance - Panic in Las Vegas, Nixy - The Glade Sprite, Quahappy, Rubicon


01. 05. 2018

V posledních měsících jsem se věnoval výhradně novým titulům, kterých se od začátku roku urodilo skutečně hodně. Nyní bych se rád vrátil i ke starým prověřeným klasikám, takže v každé aktualizaci můžete očekávat alespoň jeden titul ze zlatých časů ZX Spectra.

New games:
Fist-RO Fighter - odhalte tajmeství zapomenuté bojové techniky
Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey - objevujte cizí světy
Hamte Damte - vejce by se rádo vylíhlo
ROVR - hledejte skryté poklady v Egyptě

Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey

Aeon, Agent 99, Escape from the Sewers, Hamte Damte, Kryssy 1, Kryssy 2, Kryssy 3, ROVR, Super Robin Hood


RZX videos:
Alien, Fist-RO Fighter, Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey, Hamte Damte, ROVR

Fist-RO Fighter, Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey, Hamte Damte, Indiana Jones 4 - The Fate of Atlantis, Livingstone 1 - I Presume, ROVR, Titanic 1, Titanic 2

Cassette inlays:
Fist-RO Fighter, Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey, Hamte Damte, Indiana Jones 4 - The Fate of Atlantis, Pentacorn Quest, SWIV

GIF videos:
Fist-RO Fighter, Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey, Hamte Damte, ROVR


02. 04. 2018

Všechny, kteří zažívali infarktové stavy při pohledu na včerejší podobu webu, mohu uklidnit, jednalo se pouze o malý aprílový žertík, který jsme spolu se Solarisem104 na vás nachystali.

New games:
Adventures Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond - závěrečný díl se známou archeoložkou
Castle of Sorrow - touha po pomstě je silná
Egghead 6 - Egghead Goes to Town - dobrodružství vaječné hlavy
Impossabubble - bublina nesmí nikdy prasknout

Dungeon Raiders, Egghead Plus, Fallen Angel, Jungle Fever, Jungle Warfare, Knights, N. E. I. L. Android, Operation Hanoi, Pushbot, Revolver, Una Extrana Historia

Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond, Alien Maze, Creepy Dungeons, Egghead 6 - Egghead Goes to Town, Fahrenheit 3000, Galactic Trooper, Hobgoblin, Horace 2 - Horace Goes Skiing, Impossabubble, Olli & Lissa 1 - Ghost of Shilmoore Castle, Olli & Lissa 2 - Halloween, Olli & Lissa 3 - The Candlelight Adventure, Revolver, Wunderwaffe

RZX videos:
Adventures Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond, Castle of Sorrow, Egghead 6 - Egghead Goes to Town

Adventures Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond, Castle of Sorrow, Egghead 6 - Egghead Goes to Town, Impossabubble

Cassette inlays:
Castle of Sorrow, Egghead 6 - Egghead Goes to Town

GIF videos:
Adventures Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond, Castle of Sorrow, Egghead 6 - Egghead Goes to Town, Impossabubble


01. 03. 2018

V lednu 2018 bylo pro ZX Spectrum vytvořeno těžko uvěřitelných 21 nových herních titulů. Skoro by se mohlo zdát, že komerční éra tohoto osmibitu ani nikdy neskončila.

New games:
Gandalf - mocný čaroděj se utká se čtyřmi démony ze Středozemě
Hlasový program - už i Spectrum umělo mluvit
Mighty Final Fight - vymazlená mlátička v dechberoucím zpracování
Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors - mladý bojovník musí zachránit svět
Stepping Stones - rozbalte číselný koberec
ZXombies - Dead Flesh - ochraňte přeživší před hordami nemrtvých

Added descriptions:
Apulija-13, Lost in My Spectrum

Apulija-13, Podzemní město, Zlatý pohár

Apulija-13 Extra - Space Fighter Simulator, Apulija-13 v2.0, Castle of Sorrow, Cousin Horace, Dr Who - Surrender Time, Fantasy Zone - Escape from the Pyramid, Gandalf, Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey, Harbinger 2 - The Void, Impossabubble, Jet Set 40-40, Lava, Mighty Final Fight, Mike, the Guitar, Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors, Parachute, Stepping Stones

Apulija-13, Castle of Sorrow, Gandalf, Harbinger 2 - The Void, Impossabubble, Lost in My Spectrum, Mighty Final Fight, Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors, Stepping Stones, ZXombies - Dead Flesh

RZX videos:
Gandalf, Mighty Final Fight, Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors, Stepping Stones, ZXombies - Dead Flesh

Gandalf, Mighty Final Fight, Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors, Stepping Stones, ZXombies - Dead Flesh

Cassette inlays:
Mighty Final Fight

GIF videos:
Gandalf, Mighty Final Fight, Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors, Stepping Stones, ZXombies - Dead Flesh

BASIC miracles:


01. 02. 2018

Čtyři nové tituly, přičemž ani jeden z nich nebyl vytvořen v herním editoru. Že by se začalo blýskat na lepší časy?

New games:
Bobby Carrot - sklizeň mrkví začíná
Jilly's Farm Volume 1 - SokoBAArn! - ovčí Sokoban
SQIJ! 2018 - zachraňte postvátný strom
Wunderwaffe - ukradněte nacistům tajné plány

Computer, Jack the Nipper 1, Jilly's Farm Volume 1 - SokoBAArn!, Stensontron, Strgol, Tria, Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple

Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond, Albert the Wolf, Baffo Jones, Biscuits in Hell, Bobby Carrot, B-Squared, Bubble Frenzy, Bubble Monkey Bros, Castle Capers, Crazy Kong City Episode 1 - Saving Helen Blond, Crazy Kong City Episode 2 - Saving Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. 1, Donkey Kong Jr. 2, Donkey Kong Reloaded Again, Good Night Kanga, Invasive Species, Little Dragon 2, Lost in My Spectrum v2.0, Lupo Alberto, Mag the Magician, Monkey J in the Treasure of the Gold Temple, Omelettes for Breakfast, Pengo Quest, Pink Pills - Manic Moritz and the Meds, Popeye, Qbox, Rabid Mower, Retroforce, Sokob-XXX, SQIJ! 2018, Stamp Quest, Stensontron, Strgol, Tria, Wunderwaffe, ZXombies - Dead Flesh

Baby Monkey Alba, Bafo Jones, Bubble Monkey Bros, Crazy Kong City Episode 1 - Saving Helen Blond, Crazy Kong City Episode 2 - Saving Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. 1, Donkey Kong Jr. 2, Donkey Kong Reloaded Again, Fist-RO Fighter, Little Dragon 2, Lupo Alberto, Mag the Magician, Monkey J in the Treasure of the Gold Temple, Omelettes for Breakfast, Pengo Quest, Pink Pills - Manic Moritz and the Meds, Sqij! 2018, Wunderwaffe, ZXombies - Dead Flesh

RZX videos:
ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter), Bloodwych, Bobby Carrot, Jilly's Farm Volume 1 - SokoBAArn!, Silent Service, SQIJ! 2018, Wunderwaffe

Bobby Carrot, Jilly's Farm Volume 1 - SokoBAArn!, SQIJ! 2018, Wunderwaffe

Cassette inlays:
Code Zero, Space Disposal

GIF videos:
Bobby Carrot, Jilly's Farm Volume 1 - SokoBAArn!, SQIJ! 2018, Wunderwaffe


01. 01. 2018

Neuvěřitelné se stalo skutečností, sice to trvalo dlouhých 16 let, kdy na tomto webu je k dispozici více jak tisícovka titulů.

New games:
Grumpy Santa - zlá manželka nepřeje Santovi nic dobrého
Sophia - malá čarodějka zachraňuje císařství
Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple - boj o zlaté jablko začíná

Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple

Baby Monkey Alba, Dredd over Eels, Egghead 6 - Egghead Goes to Town, Grumpy Santa, Jilly's Farm Volume 1 - SokoBAArn!, Knight Hero, Sabouter 1 (PC remake), Santos' Xmas Adventure, Topo Mix Game, Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple

180 Darts, Grumpy Santa, Jet Set Willy 16K, Mag the Magician, Professional Toaster Simulator, Sophia, Xavior, Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple

RZX videos:
Grumpy Santa, Sophia, Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple

Grumpy Santa, Lop Ears, Piromania, Sophia, Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple

Cassette inlays:
Pumpkin Poe, Robot 1 in the Planet of Death

ZX Blockeditor 2.4.3, ZX Editor 2.3, ZX Paintbrush 2.6.4

GIF videos:
Grumpy Santa, Sophia, Xelda 1 - Quest for the Golden Apple


01. 12. 2017

Není to tak dávno, co jsme tu měli Halloween, takže zde máme hned dvě hry s touto tématikou.

New games:
Pumpkin Poe - dýně sbírá bonbóny
Tenebra Macabre - zapalte všechny svíce, abyste viděli na cestu
Twinlight - laserový paprsek zničí vše, co mu stojí v cestě

Plutonia, Podraz na Indiana Jonese, Secret Mission - 007 James Bond, Sherlock Holmes - Traja Garridebovia

Beams of Light, Pixel Quest 2000, Plutonia, Pumpkin Poe, Secret Mission - 007 James Bond, Sophia, Twinlight, Vallation 128K

Dead Space, Pumpkin Poe, Vade Retro 2 (J.B.G.V.), Vallation

RZX videos:
Pumpkin Poe, Tenebra Macabre, Twinlight

Pumpkin Poe, Twinlight

Cassette inlays:
Tenebra Macabre

GIF videos:
Pumpkin Poe, Tenebra Macabre, Twinlight


01. 11. 2017

Tento měsíc by vaší pozornosti jistě neměl ujít titul Sword of Ianna. Toto veledílo od španělských RetroWorks bude určitě aspirovat na titul Nejlepší hra roku 2017.


New games:
Incredible Shrinking Professor - vraťte profesorovi jeho původní velikost
Robot 1 in the Planet of Death - robot musí vyslat nouzový signál
Sword of Ianna - pouze bájný meč může ochránit svět před zlem

Robot 1 in the Planet of Death

Em Busca do Mortadela, Incredible Shrinking Professor, Luxík na Bíbrštejně, Space Escape, Sword of Ianna, Terrapins, Zukinox

Cross Chase, Incredible Shrinking Professor, Retroforce, Robot 1 in the Planet of Death, Sword of Ianna

RZX videos:
Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Hotmarmalade, Incredible Shrinking Professor, Robot 1 in the Planet of Death, Sword of Ianna

Incredible Shrinking Professor, Robot 1 in the Planet of Death, Sword of Ianna

Cassette inlays:
Sword of Ianna

GIF videos:
Incredible Shrinking Professor, Robot 1 in the Planet of Death, Sword of Ianna


01. 10. 2017

Na tomto místě bych chtěl zmínit relativně nový blog s názvem Herní Archeolog, na kterém se autor snaží zdokumentovat všechny české a slovenské hry, které vznikly na 8-bitových a 16-bitových počítačích. Se svolením autora jsem se rozhodl některé jeho návody a mapy, týkající se převážně textovek pro ZX Spectrum, zveřejnit i na svém webu.

New games:
Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Hotmarmalade - archeoložka znovu v akci
Sidewize - bojovník Dynar osvobozuje podrobené světy
Three Octopuses - tři chobotničky na cestě za babičkou

Agent 113, Bad Night, Dokonalá vražda 1, Hledač - Cesta za zlatem Mayů, Pyjamarama

Abu Sinver Propagation, Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Hotmarmalade, All-American Basketball, Anaconda, Bad Night, Dame de Monsoreau, Exoter, Fuksoft 1, Hledač - Cesta za zlatem Mayů, Indiana Jones 1 - Chrám zkázy, Indiana Jones 2, International 5-a-Side, Moggy, Moritz, Robot 1 in the Planet of Death, Seto Taisho to Kazan, Sorceress 2 - The Mystic Forest, Strike Force SAS, Three Octopuses, Zabarachuda

Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Hotmarmalade, Ant Attack, Sorceress 1, Sorceress 2 - The Mystic Forest, Three Octopuses

RZX videos:
F-19 Stealth Fighter, Peloponéská válka, Professional Tennis Simulator, Sidewize, Spitfire '40, Three Octopuses

Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Hotmarmalade, Kung-Fu, MultiDude, Pi-In'Ere, Sidewize, Three Octopuses

Cassette inlays:
MultiDude, Sidewize

GIF videos:
Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Hotmarmalade, Sidewize, Three Octopuses


01. 09. 2017

Další třístovka nových aktualizací právě započata.

New games:
Herbert's Dummy Run - malý Herbert se ztratil v obchodním domě
Hyperkill - nový klon Cybernoida
Squares - najděte čtverec s tmavším odstínem
That Sinking Feeling - prozkoumejte podmořské hlubiny

Herbert's Dummy Run

Circuitry, Deep Blue, Hyperkill, Manic Miner Hard, Matthew Cranston Battles, Rocket Raider, Sorceress 1, Squares, That Sinking Feeling, Viz - The Computer Game

Big Javi's Adventure, Bubble Frenzy, Car Wars, Circuitry, Code Zero, Computer Spiele Museum's Museum Guide, Crappy Credits, Crazy Kong City Episode 1, Cybermanic, Dead Space, Deep Core Raider, Donkey Kong Jr (Gabriele Amore), GenBlast, Good Night Kanga, Heroes Rescue, Hyperkill, In the Walls of Eryx, Invasive Species, Jet Power Jack, JSW2+, Magical Tower Andveture, Matthew Cranston Battles, Metal Man Remixed, Mr. Vintik, Nadral, Nextipede, Pietro Bros, Radio Game, RetroQuest - The Scrolls of Wisdom, Rocket Raider, Seto Taisho Vs Yokai, Sewer Rage, Schizoids, Specball 2016, That Sinking Feeling, Wolfcastle McBain, Yankee in Iraq

RZX videos:
Herbert's Dummy Run, Hyperkill, Squares, That Sinking Feeling

Herbert's Dummy Run, Hyperkill, Squares, That Sinking Feeling

Cassette inlays:
Herbert's Dummy Run

Herbert's Dummy Run (Crash), Herbert's Dummy Run (Sinclair User), Herbert's Dummy Run (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)

GIF videos:
Herbert's Dummy Run, Hyperkill, Squares, That Sinking Feeling


01. 08. 2017

Soft & Cuddly, hra, která mě vždy fascinovala svým vizuálním pojetím, dlouhá léta odolávala a nedařilo se mi ji pokořit. Nyní jsem tento titul konečně dohrál a vytvořil RZX video.

New games:
Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Zedin - lovkyně pokladů v akci
Biff - mladý šimpanz hledá cestu domů
Roboprobe/48 - vesmírná základna byla infiltrována zrádcem


1994 - Ten Years After, Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Zedin, Angle Ball, Arcade Classics, Barrowquest, Bombfusion, City of Death, Elevator Action, Jet Set Mini, Jet Set Mixup, Jet Set Willy - Heaven and Hell, Roboprobe 48, S.E.M.I.S.I.S., Soft & Cuddly, Zombi

Adventures of Jane Jelly - Treasure of Zedin, Roboprobe/48, S.E.M.I.S.I.S.

RZX videos:
Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Zedin, Biff, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Roboprobe/48, Soft & Cuddly

Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Zedin, Biff, Pyramania, Roboprobe/48

Cassette inlays:
Biff, Blimpgeddon, Janosik, Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom, Space Junk

Biff (Crash), Biff (Sinclair User), Biff (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)

GIF videos:
Adventures of Jane Jelly - The Treasure of Zedin, Biff, Roboprobe/48


01. 07. 2017

Doplnil jsem všechny chybějící odkazy na externí recenze z časopisu Sinclair User.

New games:
3D Monster Maze - nebezpečné monstrum vám jde po krku
Blimpgeddon - inteligetní lednice zešílela
Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom - robot uniká z prokleté vesmírné lodi

3D Starstrike, Bargain Basement, Beaky and the Egg Snatchers, Beebul, Blade Alley, Blimpgeddon, Dragonsbane, Ned's Garden, Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom

Blimpgeddon, Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom

RZX videos:
3D Monster Maze, Blimpgeddon, Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom

3D Monster Maze, Alter Ego 1, Blimpgeddon, Lone Wolf 3 - The Mirror of Death, Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom

Cassette inlays:
Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom

007 James Bond - Spy Who Loved Me (Sinclair User), 3D Stock Cars 2 (Sinclair User), Addams Family (Sinclair User), Atomix 1 (Sinclair User), Barbarian 2 - The Dungeon of Drax (Sinclair User), Battle Command (Sinclair User), Big Nose's American Adventure (Sinclair User), Bubble Dizzy (Sinclair User), Captain Dynamo (Sinclair User), Cisco Heat (Sinclair User), CJ Elephant 1 - CJ's Elephant Antics (Sinclair User), CJ Elephant 2 - CJ in the USA (Sinclair User), Darkman (Sinclair User), Dirt Track Racer (Sinclair User), Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (Sinclair User), Dizzy Down the Rapids (Sinclair User), Dizzy Down the Rapids (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), DJ Puff (Sinclair User), Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (Sinclair User), Edd the Duck (Sinclair User), Extreme (Sinclair User), Freddy Hardest 3 - In South Manhattan (Sinclair User), Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest (Sinclair User), Golden Axe (Sinclair User), Great Gurianos (Sinclair User), Grell and Falla (Sinclair User), Hero Quest 1 (Sinclair User), Hero Quest 2 - Return of the Witch Lord (Sinclair User), Hobgoblin (Sinclair User), Hostages (Sinclair User), Hudson Hawk (Sinclair User), Huxley Pig (Sinclair User), Chase H.Q. 2 - Special Criminal Investigation (Sinclair User), Indiana Jones 4 - The Fate of Atlantis (Sinclair User), Ivan Ironman Stewart's Super Off Road Racer (Sinclair User), Jocky Wilson's 2 - Compendium of Darts (Sinclair User), Jonny Quest (Sinclair User), Lemmings (Sinclair User), Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (Sinclair User), Mercs (Sinclair User), Midnight Resistance (Sinclair User), Moontorc (Sinclair User), Murray Mouse Supercop (Sinclair User), Narc (Sinclair User), Navy Seals 1 (Sinclair User), Navy Seals 2 (Sinclair User), North & South (Sinclair User), Panic Dizzy (Sinclair User), Pit Fighter (Sinclair User), Plotting (Sinclair User), Popeye 2 (Sinclair User), Popeye 3 - Wrestle Crazy (Sinclair User), Potsworth (Sinclair User), Predator 2 (Sinclair User), Pro Golf Simulator (Sinclair User), Puzznic (Sinclair User), Rick Dangerous 2 (Sinclair User), Robocop 2 (Sinclair User), Robocop 3 (Sinclair User), Round the Bend! (Crash), Round the Bend! (Sinclair User), Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo (Sinclair User), Seymour 2 - At the Movies (Sinclair User), Seymour 3 - Wild West (Sinclair User), Seymour 4 - Super Seymour Saves the Planet (Sinclair User), Shadow Dancer (Sinclair User), Shadow of the Beast (Sinclair User), Shadow Warriors (Sinclair User), Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (Sinclair User), Skull & Crossbones (Sinclair User), Sleepwalker (Sinclair User), Slightly Magic (Sinclair User), Smash TV (Sinclair User), Snare (Sinclair User), Space Crusade (Sinclair User), Space Gun (Sinclair User), Spike in Transylvania (Sinclair User), Steg the Slug (Sinclair User), Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior (Sinclair User), Stryker - In the Crypts of Trogan (Sinclair User), Super Scramble Simulator (Sinclair User), Switchblade (Sinclair User), SWIV (Sinclair User), Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 1 (Sinclair User), Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2 (Sinclair User), Tilt (Sinclair User), Titanic Blinky (Sinclair User), Total Recall (Sinclair User), Turbo the Tortoise (Sinclair User), Turrican 1 (Sinclair User), Turrican 2 (Sinclair User), U.N. Squadron (Sinclair User), Vendetta (Sinclair User), X-Out (Sinclair User)

GIF videos:
3D Monster Maze, Blimpgeddon, Robot 1 in the Ship of Doom


01. 06. 2017

Kdo zakysl v nové verzi Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, jistě uvítá návod od Solarise104.

New games:
Pang - zlikvidujte skákající balóny
Shape Shifter - umístěte kostky do vyhrazeného prostoru
Soldier of Light - vyčistěte galaxii od federálních infiltrátorů
Space Junk - zničte všechny generátory

Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Shape Shifter

20 Tons, Apache Raid!!, Assault Course, Battlecars, Blizzard's Rift, Bonanza Bros., Carpet Capers, Dervish, Fridge Frenzy, Higgledy Piggledy, Jubbles, Mighty Magus, Nadral, Shape Shifter, Space Junk, Spitting Image, Super Pipeline 2, Thunder Jaws Demo, Treasure of Lumos

Assault Course, Bonanza Bros., Shape Shifter

RZX videos:
Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk

Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk

Cassette inlays:
Alter Ego 2 - DreamWalker, Bouncing Bomb - Redux, Ooze, Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk

Pang (Crash), Pang (Sinclair User), Pang (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Soldier of Light (Crash), Soldier of Light (Sinclair User), Soldier of Light (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)

GIF videos:
Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk


01. 05. 2017

Uplynulo rovných 30 let od vydání první Dizzyovky na ZX Spectru. K této významné události byla vydaná zbrusu nová verze Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, která po vizuální stránce překonává všechny předešlé tituly na tomto osmibitu.

New games:
Code Zero - předejděte nukleární katastrofě
Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017) - dáreček k 30. výročí první Dizzyovky
Stranded 1-2 - vyčistěte všechny dlaždice na hrací ploše

Foggy's Quest

Action Farce 2, Battery's Not Precluded, Big Javi's Adventure, Code Zero, Con-Quest, Cuboid Captor, Dead Space, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Farmer Jack - Treasure Trove, Gloop, Goody (colour version), Judge Dredd, Quantum Gardening, Rallybug, Rod-Land (colour version), Sillycon War, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5, Survivors, Wolfcastle McBain

Code Zero, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Farmer Jack - Treasure Trove, Globus, Quantum Gardening, Stranded 2.5

RZX videos:
Code Zero, Ooze, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5

Code Zero, Defender of the Crown, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Karlos und Schatze der Azteken, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5, Wanderers - Chained in the Dark

Cassette inlays:
Castlevania - Spectral Interlude, Dark, Future Looter, Heritage, Karlos und Schatze der Azteken, Monty Mole and the Temple of Lost Souls, Monty's Honey Run, Mysterious Dimensions, Phaeton, Reductio ad Nihilum, Skyscraper of Doom, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5, Streets of Doom, Tourmaline, W*H*B, Wanderers - Chained in the Dark

007 James Bond - Licence to Kill (Sinclair User), 007 James Bond - Live and Let Die (Sinclair User), 1942 (Sinclair User), 1943 - The Battle of Midway (Sinclair User), Advanced Pinball Simulator (Sinclair User), After the War 1 (Sinclair User), After the War 2 (Sinclair User), Afterburner (Sinclair User), Altered Beast (Sinclair User), Amazing Adventures of Robin Hood (Sinclair User), Amazing Adventures of Robin Hood (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Astro Marine Corps (Sinclair User), Barbarian (Sinclair User), Batman 2a - A Bird in the Hand (Sinclair User), Batman 2b - A Fete Worse than Death (Sinclair User), Beverly Hills Cop (Sinclair User), Black Beard (Sinclair User), Blinky's Scary School (Sinclair User), Bloodwych (Sinclair User), BMX Freestyle Simulator (Sinclair User), Cabal (Sinclair User), Captain Blood (Sinclair User), Carrier Command (Sinclair User), Castle Master 1 (Sinclair User), Cobra Force (Sinclair User), Crazy Cars 1 (Sinclair User), Crazy Cars 2 (Sinclair User), Cybernoid 2 - The Revenge (Sinclair User), Cycles (Sinclair User), Daley Thompson 3 - Olympic Challenge (Sinclair User), Dan Dare 3 - The Escape (Sinclair User), Defenders of the Earth (Sinclair User), Dizzy 2 - Treasure Island Dizzy (Sinclair User), Dizzy 3 - Fantasy World Dizzy (Sinclair User), Double Dragon 1 (Sinclair User), Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (Sinclair User), Draconus (Sinclair User), Dragon Ninja (Sinclair User), Elven Warrior (Sinclair User), Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (Sinclair User), Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (Sinclair User), Fast Food Dizzy (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - 11 A Side Soccer (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - Indoor Soccer (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - Soccer Skills (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - Street Soccer (Sinclair User), Fox Fights Back (Sinclair User), Fruit Machine Simulator 2 (Sinclair User), G.I. Hero (Sinclair User), Game Over 2 - The Part One (Sinclair User), Game Over 2 - The Part Two (Sinclair User), Ghostbusters 2 (Sinclair User), Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (Sinclair User), Grand Prix Simulator 2 (Sinclair User), Gregory Loses His Clock (Sinclair User), H. A. T. E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter (Sinclair User), Hammerfist (Sinclair User), Hard Drivin' (Sinclair User), Heartbroken (Sinclair User), Chase H.Q. 1 (Sinclair User), Chicago's 30 (Sinclair User), Impossamole (Sinclair User), Indiana Jones 3 - The Last Crusade (Sinclair User), Iron Lord (Sinclair User), Jocky Wilson's 1 - Darts Challenge (Sinclair User), Joe Blade 2 (Sinclair User), Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (Sinclair User), Laser Squad (Sinclair User), Last Ninja 2 (Sinclair User), Lone Wolf 3 - The Mirror of Death (Sinclair User), Lords of Chaos (Sinclair User), Mad Mix 1 (Sinclair User), Myth - History in the Making (Sinclair User), Navy Moves 1 (Sinclair User), Navy Moves 2 (Sinclair User), New Zealand Story (Sinclair User), Operation Thunderbolt (Sinclair User), Operation Wolf (Sinclair User), Overlander (Sinclair User), Pac-Mania (Sinclair User), Ping Pong (Sinclair User), Pipe Mania (Sinclair User), Rainbow Islands (Sinclair User), Rambo 3 (Sinclair User), Real Ghostbusters (Sinclair User), Red Heat (Sinclair User), Renegade 3 - The Final Chapter (Sinclair User), Rex 1 (Sinclair User), Rex 2 (Sinclair User), Rick Dangerous 1 (Sinclair User), Robocop 1 (Sinclair User), R-Type (Sinclair User), Savage (Sinclair User), Shark (Sinclair User), Shinobi (Sinclair User), Silkworm (Sinclair User), Sly Spy - Secret Agent (Sinclair User), Soldier of Fortune (Sinclair User), Star Wars 2 - The Empire Strikes Back (Sinclair User), Star Wars 3 - Return of the Jedi (Sinclair User), Stormlord 1 (Sinclair User), Stormlord 2 - Deliverance (Sinclair User), Street Gang (Sinclair User), Stunt Car Racer (Sinclair User), Super Sports - The Olympic Challenge (Sinclair User), Super Tank Simulator (Sinclair User), Superkid 1 (Sinclair User), Task Force (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 1 - Mine Rescue (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 2 - Sub Crash (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 3 - Bank Job (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 4 - Evil Hood (Sinclair User), Tiger Road (Sinclair User), Times of Lore (Sinclair User), Tintin on the Moon (Sinclair User), Titanic 1 (Sinclair User), Titanic 2 (Sinclair User), Toobin' (Sinclair User), Total Eclipse 1 (Sinclair User), Tusker (Sinclair User), Untouchables (Sinclair User), Vindicator (Sinclair User), Vindicators (Sinclair User), Way of the Exploding Fist 3 - Exploding Fist + (Sinclair User), Wec Le Mans (Sinclair User), Where Time Stood Still (Sinclair User), World Cup Soccer '90 (Sinclair User), Xenon (Sinclair User), Xenophobe (Sinclair User), Yogi's Great Escape (Sinclair User), Zybex (Sinclair User)

GIF videos:
Code Zero, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5


01. 04. 2017

Na apríla tu máme novou aktualizaci, není však aprílová, je opravdu skutečná.

New games:
Black Raven - i pořádnou real-time strategii si zahrajete na ZX Spectru
Kung-Fu - zajímavě ztvárnené Kung Fu
Ooze - slizem v kanalizačním systému
Sidewalk - vezměte svou dívku na koncert oblíbené skupiny


Black Raven 1 - New Missions, Black Raven 1, Black Raven 2 (Demo), Cid, Computer Spiele Museum's Museum Guide, Globus, Kung-Fu, Mission Omega, Ooze, Rally Cross, Sidewalk, Takeout Freakout

Black Raven, Cafe Turco Com Os Ex-Jugoslavos, Firewolf, Chuckie Egg 1, Jet Set Willy 2 - The Final Frontier, Ooze, Snake Pit, Steeple Jack, Takeout Freakout

RZX videos:
Black Raven, Foggy's Quest, Kung-Fu, Party Worms, Sidewalk

K-Mouse tituly:
Belegost, Flying Shark, Galactic Gunners, Light Force, Slap Fight, Xevious, Zybex

Ooze, Professional Tennis Simulator, Sidewalk

Cassette inlays:
Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead, Deep Core Raider, Kung-Fu, Sidewalk, Toofy in Fan Land

007 James Bond - Living Daylights (Sinclair User), 3D Stock Cars 1 - Championship (Sinclair User), Action Force 1 (Sinclair User), Action Force 2 (Sinclair User), Agent X 2 - The Mad Prof's Back! (Sinclair User), Aliens 2 - Aliens US (Sinclair User), Andy Capp (Sinclair User), Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of Doh (Sinclair User), Army Moves 1 (Sinclair User), Army Moves 2 (Sinclair User), ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter) (Sinclair User), ATV Simulator (Sinclair User), Barbarian 1 (Sinclair User), Batman 3 - The Movie (Sinclair User), Beyond the Ice Palace (Sinclair User), Bionic Commando (Sinclair User), Boulder Dash 2 - Rockford's Riot (Sinclair User), Bubble Bobble (Sinclair User), Bubbler (Sinclair User), Buggy Boy (Sinclair User), Colossus 4 Chess (Sinclair User), Combat School (Sinclair User), Cybernoid 1 - The Fighting Machine (Sinclair User), Dan Dare 2 - Mekon's Revenge (Sinclair User), Dark Side (Sinclair User), Deflektor (Sinclair User), Dizzy 1 - Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (Sinclair User), Down to Earth (Sinclair User), Draughts Genius (Sinclair User), Driller (Sinclair User), Druid 2 - Enlightenment (Sinclair User), Exolon (Sinclair User), Fernando Martin Basket Master (Sinclair User), Firefly (Sinclair User), Flash Gordon (Sinclair User), Flintstones (Sinclair User), Flunky (Sinclair User), Flying Shark (Sinclair User), Freddy Hardest 1 (Sinclair User), Freddy Hardest 2 (Sinclair User), Fruit Machine Simulator 1 (Sinclair User), Game Over 1 - The Part One (Sinclair User), Game Over 1 - The Part Two (Sinclair User), Gauntlet 2 (Sinclair User), Grand Prix Simulator 1 (Sinclair User), Gryzor (Sinclair User), Gunrunner (Sinclair User), Gunship (Sinclair User), Hydrofool (Sinclair User), Chronos - A Tapestry of Time (Sinclair User), Ikari Warriors (Sinclair User), Indiana Jones 2 - The Temple of Doom (Sinclair User), International Karate + (Sinclair User), Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (Sinclair User), Jet Bike Simulator (Sinclair User), Joe Blade 1 (Sinclair User), Karnov (Sinclair User), Knightmare (Sinclair User), Krakout 1 (Sinclair User), Livingstone 1 - I Presume (Sinclair User), Mask 1 (Sinclair User), Mask 2 (Sinclair User), Mask 3 - Venom Strikes Back (Sinclair User), Match Day 2 (Sinclair User), Merlin (Sinclair User), Monty Mole 3 - Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Sinclair User), Motos (Sinclair User), Nebulus (Sinclair User), North Star (Sinclair User), Ocean Conqueror (Sinclair User), Platoon (Sinclair User), Predator 1 (Sinclair User), Professional Ski Simulator (Sinclair User), Race against Time for Sport Aid (Sinclair User), Rampage (Sinclair User), Ramparts (Sinclair User), Rastan (Sinclair User), Renegade 1 (Sinclair User), Renegade 2 - Target Renegade (Sinclair User), Rentakill Rita (Sinclair User), River Raid (Sinclair User), Road Runner (Sinclair User), Saboteur 2 - Avenging Angel (Sinclair User), Salamander (Sinclair User), Sidewalk (Crash), Sidewalk (Sinclair User), Sidewalk (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Sigma 7 (Sinclair User), Skate Crazy (Sinclair User), Slap Fight (Sinclair User), Soft & Cuddly (Sinclair User), Solomon's Key (Sinclair User), Star Wars 1 - A New Hope (Sinclair User), Street Hassle (Sinclair User), Super Hang-On (Sinclair User), Super Robin Hood (Sinclair User), Tai-Pan (Sinclair User), Ten-Pin Challenge (Sinclair User), Terramex (Sinclair User), Tetris 3 (Sinclair User), Thing! (Sinclair User), Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (Sinclair User), Trap Door 2 - Through the Trap Door (Sinclair User), Wizball (Sinclair User), Xecutor (Sinclair User), Xevious (Sinclair User), Yogi Bear (Sinclair User), Zynaps (Sinclair User)

GIF videos:
Black Raven, Foggy's Quest, Kung-Fu, Ooze, Party Worms, Sidewalk


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